
Kalispell Kreamery
Contact: Mary and Jared Tuck
Address: 480 Lost Creek Drive Kalispell, MT, 59901
Phone: 406-756-6455
About Us
In addition to growing organic food, The Sage Oasis is also a retreat center. Writers, artists, and spiritual seekers find that their process has a chance to unfold naturally within our oasis, while also nourishing themselves with in-season organic produce raised in our permaculture garden. Soon to come an outdoor gazebo with clay floor for truly grounded meditation/yoga, quiet contemplation, or intimate group gatherings. Now in our seventh year of development, Sage Oasis is a permaculture garden retreat center with a variety of lodging options located just outside the town of Hot Springs, Montana, an area known for its sweeping high desert views and unique mineral-rich hot soaking options.
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See a video of our shop in Kalispell
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See a video of our shop in Kalispell
Milk is perfect when it comes from a healthy cow. It is everything that is done with it afterward that degrades it. Realizing this, Kalispell Kreamery does as little processing and transporting of its milk as possible. The milk is pasteurized to meet state law and to protect consumers of any harmful pathogens that may enter the milk, but it is not homogenized.
Because our milk is not homogenized the fat globules that would be broken up during the process stay intact (along with many of the helpful digestive enzymes and other properties that make milk healthy for you). Because the fat molecules are larger than the other milk molecules the cream rises to the top (separation is much like oil and water). To enjoy the full, whole milk straight from our cows to you, simply give the jug a good shake before pouring your milk to make sure the milk and cream mix, to get a lower fat content in your milk or to utilize the cream let it sit for over 24 hours.
If let sit (in the refer) for over 24 hours the cream will separate and can be skimmed off the top and used as you would use any other cream (make whip cream, use in your coffee, or pour on your cereal). Holsteins produce about 3-4% butterfat per gallon so, expect to scoop about ΒΌ a cup off each gallon. It may take a few gallons to have enough cream to make ice cream :)
Because our milk is not homogenized the fat globules that would be broken up during the process stay intact (along with many of the helpful digestive enzymes and other properties that make milk healthy for you). Because the fat molecules are larger than the other milk molecules the cream rises to the top (separation is much like oil and water). To enjoy the full, whole milk straight from our cows to you, simply give the jug a good shake before pouring your milk to make sure the milk and cream mix, to get a lower fat content in your milk or to utilize the cream let it sit for over 24 hours.
If let sit (in the refer) for over 24 hours the cream will separate and can be skimmed off the top and used as you would use any other cream (make whip cream, use in your coffee, or pour on your cereal). Holsteins produce about 3-4% butterfat per gallon so, expect to scoop about ΒΌ a cup off each gallon. It may take a few gallons to have enough cream to make ice cream :)