
Western Montana Growers Co-op
Contact: 45+ Local Farms
Address: PO Box 292 Arlee, MT, 59821
Phone: 406-726-4769
About Us
The Western Montana Growers Cooperative (WMGC) is a coalition of growers in the Flathead, Jocko, Mission and Bitterroot Valleys whose goal is to provide the market in our region with fresh, quality products from our farms.
To reach that goal, the cooperative provides a wholesale marketing and delivery service for its members. We strive to improve the "local food system" of our area by enhancing the sustainability of local farms and contributing to local economic growth, while reducing the demand of produce being shipped here from long distances.
In 2002, through a "community food systems" grant, Lake County Community Development (LCCD) started working to find ways to get locally produced food to "local" people. The grant paid for one person's salary to take the lead on the project. A small group of farmers became involved and it was determined that a cooperatively owned marketing and delivery service, WMGC, would be a good tool. WMGC grew out of this process and is entirely independent of LCCD.
The co-operative was incorporated in early 2003 and started to sell member produce between Polson and Missoula that summer. The 2004 season proved to be quite successful with strong sales and membership growth.
To reach that goal, the cooperative provides a wholesale marketing and delivery service for its members. We strive to improve the "local food system" of our area by enhancing the sustainability of local farms and contributing to local economic growth, while reducing the demand of produce being shipped here from long distances.
In 2002, through a "community food systems" grant, Lake County Community Development (LCCD) started working to find ways to get locally produced food to "local" people. The grant paid for one person's salary to take the lead on the project. A small group of farmers became involved and it was determined that a cooperatively owned marketing and delivery service, WMGC, would be a good tool. WMGC grew out of this process and is entirely independent of LCCD.
The co-operative was incorporated in early 2003 and started to sell member produce between Polson and Missoula that summer. The 2004 season proved to be quite successful with strong sales and membership growth.
WMGC believes in making fresh and nutritious local food available to our community, while fairly supporting local agricultural producers. This business model makes this goal possible.