
Contact: Michael Smith
City: Kalispell, MT,
Phone: 415-370-6517
About Us
REGENiGROW™ Products
Regenerative cycles are evident everywhere in nature; without them, life on Earth would have run its course long ago, leaving a dead, lifeless planet. The main driving force of Earth’s regenerative cycles comes from the sun. This power source, combined with the myriad of organisms and creatures, large and small, working in unison, continuously regenerates life. REGENiTECH’s Earth Power Lodge (EPL) has been designed to emulate these natural cycles to produce the first in our line of products, REGENiGROW™ Biostimulants.
Regenerative cycles are evident everywhere in nature; without them, life on Earth would have run its course long ago, leaving a dead, lifeless planet. The main driving force of Earth’s regenerative cycles comes from the sun. This power source, combined with the myriad of organisms and creatures, large and small, working in unison, continuously regenerates life. REGENiTECH’s Earth Power Lodge (EPL) has been designed to emulate these natural cycles to produce the first in our line of products, REGENiGROW™ Biostimulants.